How to set-up your Address List

So it's time to start actively collecting your address list. Let's be real- this will be one of your least favorite tasks, aside from the dreaded collection (or lack of returned) RSVP's.
*For tips on making RSVP's less stressful, click here.

What should you be collecting?
You'll need the Guest Name(s), street address, city state and zip codes. This is all we will need to print on your envelopes! If we will be printing the number of guests invited on your RSVP card, we'll need that number too.
If you want to make a few more columns on your sheet for other helpful details you'll need to collect- go ahead and add these to your personal spreadsheet- you can include things like: attending/not attending, number attending, meal choice, etc.
Let's talk Etiquette
Envelopes should be addressed to whomever you intend to invite
1. How should Guest Names be written?
For formal addressing, you should write "Mr. and Mrs."
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Smith
What about kids?
If you want to include children, you will write:
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Smith
Charlie and Karen
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Smith
and family
What about plus ones?
If you want to allow a guest to have a plus one, you will write:
Mr. Nicholas Smith and Guest
2. No abbreviations
Spell out words fully - For example: instead of st. write "street"
Including States - For example: instead of TX write "Texas"
1236 West Wakefield Lane
Dallas, Texas 75025
What about an apartment number?
1236 West Wakefield Lane
Apartment 205
Dallas, Texas 75025
(add a "second line" column on your spreadsheet,
or include this with the street column)
Your spreadsheet should look something like this: